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As an elder, I show up for young ones who'll inherit this crazy world.

I don’t believe in dispensing sage wisdom (like a mama bird feeds her babies with pre-chewed food). Rather than advice, I get curious: "What lights you up? What gets in the way?" Creative play encourages youth to explore their own gifts and strengths, so they can discover ways to meet their challenges.

Through 10 years of facilitating teen circles and creativity camps, and developing campaigns and curricula to prevent youth suicide, I'm passionate about stories that engage young ones with mental health themes. My upcoming graphic novel, "Meet Your Monkeys" playfully reveals that your mean thoughts and self-sabotage are NOT your fault.

Inspiring and Connecting

“Tatum had a great time. Never seen her so connected! You have touched and changed these girls' lives forever – so inspiring. Just saying :)” ~Erica Klinger, parent

Are you connected to a youth group, teen or young adult organization?

Spark Story is an engaging, interactive performance and workshop on overcoming the fear of singing. Developed for a TEDx Youth event, Spark Story fueled the core curriculum for creative summer camps - sparking creativity, courage, and connection in young people in the Northwest.
Please reach out to explore ways to share Spark Story with your community.
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